Our little man is, for lack of a better word, a tank. On 23 June, he turned 5 months old. That day he had a small, sort of hacking cough and we were having our friends, the Truscott's (who have a 3 month old premie), coming to stay with us for the night. I did not want to risk the slightest chance of Adam being sick and possibly getting baby Bennett sick, so I took him to get checked out. Doc cleared him as healthy and we went our merry way. While we were there he was weighed. My 5 month old is 19.5 pounds. At home we measured him. He is 28.5 inches long. I am one proud mommy...I just wish he'd chub it up a little bit. He may weigh as much a year old kid, but the rolls of fat just aren't hanging around. And his head is huge. I blame David for that one, all my friends say my head is abnormally small. David's head is gigantic- Adam gets it from him. And, the kid is glued to Baby Einstein. Notice the intensity of his gaze at the television (I will attribute that to David, too)...'leading experts say, Mozart makes babies smarter.'
One day before his first tooth popped up. I also cut the hair. I have wanted to do it for awhile, but whenever I would mention that I wanted to, I would gets comments about how I shouldn't worry about it. It was getting pretty bad, though. I may not have the skills to make it look amazing, but after I cut it he looked so much better. Don't you think? Oh, what a cute boy.
Yay for the Nani Blog!!! Keep up the good work, it looks awesome!! Adam is getting so old! It's amazing how fast time flies especially when you have a little one that makes so much growth and progress in such a short amount of time. We love you guys!!
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